Katie Price Meets Alex Reid's Parents; Peter Andre Ready to Start Dating
Friday, 4 September 2009
Meeting the in-laws. It's a moment we all dread.
Even Katie Price, who was reportedly on her best behavior (?) at the home of her new cage fighter boyfriend Alex Reid’s parents the other night.
She ate take out, watched Danyl Johnson on The X Factor and astonished everyone by drinking tea. Jordan even had an excuse to booze it up - it was Alex’s sister Lauren’s 40th birthday party - but stuck with the non-alcoholic beverage.
Katie must really like the guy!
Her BFF Zakiya Berrabah, who was also at the party in Aldershot, said Jordan "went down a storm" (whatever that means) with the family of Alex Reid.
Berrabah added: “The whole family loves Katie. She does not drink, only when she goes out which is not as often as people think.” Sure thing, Zakiya.
Jordan, 31, and Alex Reid, 34, later crashed out in his bedroom, which is decked out with model Viking warriors. Sounds like a great date.
Katie Price apparently behaved herself. There's a first time for everything.
Meanwhile, her estranged ex, Peter Andre - who was enraged by Jordan's relationship with Reid - specifically his role in a violent, aggressive sex scene in a movie - believes he's ready to start the process of dating again.
He vowed he wouldn't have sex until their divorce was finalized, but he has decided to relax that self-imposed ban and start looking for a girlfriend.
He said: "Since my split from Kate, I took a vow of celibacy, which I am still sticking to. But I might be ready to start dating again. Ideally, I would like to be divorced before I meet someone special. But if it happens, it happens."
"I have come a long way in the last few weeks and my head is in a better place. You can still be celibate and date, you know," mused Peter Andre.
Peter's raising three children, Harvey, 7, Junior, four, and Princess Tiaamii, 2, and has also decided to start clearing her possessions out of his home
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