Megan Fox Pictures: Jennifer's Hot Body
Friday, 4 September 2009
As Megan Fox so eloquently stated in a recent interview, women in heterosexual relationships have all the power because they possess a vagina.
This is untactful, offensive to both genders and pretty much true.
But it also helps when you're possessed by satantic forces and can threaten men with an appetite for their flesh.
Such is the case in Jennifer's Body, the upcoming, Diablo Cody-directed thriller in which Fox stars as a cheerleader that gorges on male classmates. She also makes out - and loves it! - with co-star Amanda Seyfried.
Both are pictured below. We have a feeling the movie will be a huge hit. Guys will go to see Megan Fox; women will go to throw tomatoes at the screen every time she appears.
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